Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Strategic Business Analysis Paper Mara 466 - 1633 Words
Brett Yancey April 1, 2015 MARA 466: Strategic Business Analysis Paper Why Strategy Execution Unravels – and What to Do About It There has been a large amount of research into what strategy is, since Michael Porter’s perennial work in the 1980s. Studies done on the execution of strategy have been far less numerous. However, there is one major understanding about the execution of strategy. The execution of strategy is a vital part of success in business. A summary of many myths surrounding various strategic executions will be outlined, along with their subsequent analyses. Myth 1: That Execution Translates into Alignment In general, an overall strategy should precipitate into goals and those goals in strategic objectives that can be used to by 1st and 2nd line managers. These strategic objectives’ progress are measurable and quantifiable. Many managers utilize tools such as score cards to analyze the success or lack of, that a company and its managers attain, fails to meet, or surpasses the stated goals. Alignment of these processes to reach a company’s goals is dependent upon the number of goals, the specificity of these goals, and whether or not the entrusted managers have executed these strategies with the necessary resources to accomplish them. According to Sull (2015), â€Å"80% of managers say that their goals†fall into this category†(p. #) However, the majority of companies struggle in their execution. Where a large proportion of managers feel they can count on directShow MoreRelatedManagement4821 Words  | 20 PagesISBN 1947-833X Proceedings of 1st Global Business Summit Conference (GBSC 2009), Kelantan, Malaysia University of Technology Mara Malaysia, Shah Alam, 15-17 June 2009, Volume 2, pp. 128-137 Entry Mode Strategies of Malaysian Service Firms: A Resource-Based Approach Mohammadreza Asgari*, Mohd Nazari Ismail**, Syed Zamberi Ahmad*** Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur ABSTRACT The rapid progress in services has attracted scholars to study the behaviour and
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Argument About Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals
The Argument About Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals Before you commence working on cause and effect essay outline the very first thing you have to do is to select a winning topic. There's always a reason behind every function. When picking a topic to cope with, you should make certain it's in clear connection with the the inner workings of the issue under review. Maybe you are in need of an easy topic which will not see you devote all of your time doing research with very little success. Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals Additionally, humans are creating mass amounts of waste that's contaminating the complete Earth. Some factors like recession, outsourcing, and too little education have been fronted in an endeavor to spell out the phenomenon. No wonder you'll find some trending cause and effect essays in the subject of academia. A cause-effect essay on the subject of deforestation could concentrate on the reasons behind the destruction and the effect it has. Type of Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals Cause and effect essays are a few of the most frequent pieces, students will be asked to write. As students, you can't avoid writing cause and effect essays sooner or later in time. Students aren't supposed to learn to compose a cause and effect essay alone. Visualizing things is a strong method. Essay proofreading service You will discover that you do your work or an essay something which aren't always brought on by laziness or absence of free moment. Cause and effect essays are among the simplest to write. For instance, a paper focusing on effects might have a paragraph about how exercise helps diabetics by boosting muscle mass. The cause and effect essay mainly consists of the discussion about the reason for the occurrence of a specific thing in addition to the impact of occurrence of the exact same. The sorts of reasons and effects might be different. There are different kinds of cause and effect that someone may take under consideration. The Definitive Strategy for Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals An essay about the source of the American Civil War could start out with slavery and move on to other ideas, including states' rights. The very first configuration addresses the circumstance when a single outcome is du e to a variety of factors. Nowadays medical therapy methods become increasingly more up-to-date and the info is at the very same time more available to individuals. Make certain that you have enough details you may use as an effective evidence. Who Else Wants to Learn About Cause and Effect Essay Topics about Animals? The topic may be more difficult to produce. Every topic was assigned by the experts and that is the reason why easy to find the resources online for research. You might think that political and socioeconomic topics are excessively dull for you, but your professor is going to be impressed with this kind of research. You require a more advanced topic which will be an immediate reflection of your degree of studies. Causes are introduced as argumentative topics which introduce the main topics of contemporary society in a concise presentation where creativity is crucial. Make sure that you carry out the required quantity of research about the topic you will choose to be able to make and compose a significant essay that will trace the reason and highlight the effect of your favorite event or subject. The very first step of writing a fantastic reflective essay is selecting a topic, so choose wisely! More online essay writing services can likewise be availed for other forms of essays. It is essential to the success of any school to employ dedicated teachers that are physically present to administer excellent education to every student. You will possibly fail the training course. Some can get the job done better as substantial school research paper topics, while others are going to make decent research paper topics for college students. Well, here you'll locate distinctive items for each colle ge student. Being objective in your writing lets people know you're seriously interested in the info you're presenting, producing your research more reliable. Technology or social networking topics are something which everyone would like to investigate because so lots of us are concerned about our own use of phone and societal media. They is becoming a big cause of poor economic development as half the population spends their entire time on socializing with different social networking sites. Social media sites consume the complete data of all generation men and women in the current period of time.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Significance Of Motivation Chinese Healthcare †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Significance Of Motivation Chinese Healthcare. Answer: Main theme The journal article by (Beek, Hu, Schaufeli, Taris, Schreurs, 2012), highlights and discusses the significance of motivation among Chinese healthcare professionals. Additionally, the authors of the article explain the methods of motivating people along with recognizing the major motivational factors for the nurses in the Chinese healthcare sector. The authors have also highlighted on self-determination theory that includes helps in motivating individuals in a macro-environment by considering the individuals inherent growth tendencies and psychological needs. The primary aim of the authors was to distinguish between workaholism (bad type), work engagement (good type) and burnout in respect to motivation for the individuals. The article emphasised on 544 nurses and 216 physicians of the Chinese healthcare professionals. Supporting Facts According to the journal article, it can be said workaholism, work engagement and burnout is determined by effective supervision and motivation for the employees. Additionally, motivation helps in influencing the staffs on their ways of communicating and interacting with the patients that helps in providing high-quality health services. The major motivating factors for the staffs of Chinese healthcare sector include promotion, appraisal, recognition and awards that eventually determine the job satisfaction of the staffs. The healthcare sector spends huge amount of money per year to combat with the employee turnover rate, as lack of motivation results in increased employee turnover rate. It is the responsibility of the management of the healthcare system to create a positive working environment for the staffs. The human resource department of the healthcare sector helps in achieving the organizational and employee needs by developing a deep understanding regarding the distinct motivat ional needs and motivational processes. Therefore, having a better understanding about the psychological needs of the healthcare staffs are important for motivating them. The psychological needs that helps in motivating the staffs includes self-esteem, belongingness and security along with supervising the staffs. Other significant factors that help in motivating the staffs include effective communication, trust, respect, salary, wage and positive working environment. The Specialized terms Motivation Motivation is the key that determines the employee and organizational success. Motivation is defined as the driving force that initiates and directs the behaviour of the individuals. Motivation also acts as the internal energy that drives the individual to do something thereby, achieving the organizational and personal goals. Different individuals have different motivational factors that drive them to perform better thereby, enhancing their performance. Workaholism Workaholism refers to excessive hard work done by the employees. Additionally, work obsessed employees are also considered as workaholics, as they work much harder compared to their fellow employees in order to achieve the economic and organizational standards. Workaholic employees are forced to work without their willingness and lacks motivation. Work engagement Work engagement for employees highlights a fulfilling and positive state of employees that are characterised by employee dedication, absorption and vigour. While working, high persistence level energy and mental resilience defines the willingness of the employees to invest towards their job roles. Employee engagement refers to employees with high levels of interested, dedicated and compassionate employees that enjoys their work. Therefore, work engagement is the positive outcomes of working hard and the employees are more satisfied with their work thereby, more committed towards work. Burnout The state of employee exhaustion is defined as burnout due to which the employees are cynical about the occupation value. Additionally, in this case, the employees are unaware of their complete potential. Therefore, the mental resources of the employees are exhausted thereby, leading to cynicism due to which the employees develop an indifferent and detached attitude towards their job role and the organization. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is a crucial aspect for the employees as this helps in determines the employee dedication, engagement and compassion towards their work and the organization. Appropriate motivation results in employees those are satisfied with their job. Employees those are satisfied with their job performs better, as they tend to enjoy the work they do. Self-determination theory The concept of SDT highlights the approach that can be used to motivate the individuals that deals with the inner growth tendencies by considering the psychological needs of the individuals. The approach is concerned with the types of motivation applicable for the individuals based on their psychological needs. Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation is self-granted and comes when something is meaningful or provides a purpose for the individual. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual that includes autonomy, mastery and purpose. Intrinsic motivation helps the individuals to strive towards a goal for personal accomplishment. Psychological needs The psychological needs determines the state of mind for the individuals that helps in understanding the requirement of motivation. Personal growth The personal growth of the individuals is essential for progressing in the career. Motivation helps in personal growth by pushing the individuals to achieve better results. Extrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation is an action taken by another person that helps in motivating the employees by extrinsic factors such as grades, appraisal, requirement and monetary wage. Reflection According to me, motivation is one of key factor that plays a significant role in any organization. This is because motivation helps in influencing the productivity of the employee thereby, determining the overall success of the organization. I also believe that each individual have distinct personality traits due to which they have different psychological needs. Therefore, using only one type of motivational style for motivating all the employees is incorrect and inappropriate. However, on the contrary, I think creating positive working environment that are compatible for all the employees also helps in motivating the staffs of the organization. According to me, some types of motivators can be used for motivating wide range of employees. Therefore, I think the line in manager needs to have better understanding of their employees and the factors that motivates them. This will help the managers in persisting the employees to continue what they want to do at workplace. For example, I p refer to work with managers those have the ability to motivate me thereby, bringing the best out of me by acknowledging me on my hard work, effort and contribution towards my duty. I strongly believe that positive vibe of my fellow workers and their motivation can have an impact on individual mood. Therefore, I tend to compliment my fellow employees when they perform well or have helped me in completing my job successfully. Additionally, I think an individual needs to be aware the best motivators for them. This can only be possible if the individuals have better self-understanding. According to the concept of self-determination theory, individuals need to connect and communicate with the surrounding environment by ensuring competence and autonomy thereby, achieving satisfaction at work. However, I also think that desired vacation and time out for job is required for individuals to feel motivated to work. I tend to maintain daily commotion list in respect to my job. Ticking off the completed work thereby, motivates me to achieve even better along with trying harder to activities that I have been unable to achieve. I think it is important for individuals to under stand that each day at work might come with different challenges that might be difficult to handle, as it might be out of our control. Therefore, I think individuals must not allow these challenges negatively affect the individuals, as each day is not equally productive. According to me, goal setting and self-evaluation is significant and achievable by doing one thing at a time along with considering the previous working experiences and accomplishments. Moreover, I think better career opportunities influences in motivating the individuals in performing better at workplace. References Beek, v., Hu, Schaufeli, Taris, Schreurs, . (2012). For Fun, Love, or Money: What Drives Workaholic, Engaged, and Burned?Out Employees at Work? Applied Psychology, 30-35.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
the Fender-Bender free essay sample
Analysis of The Fender-Bender Ramon TIANGUIS Perezs The Fender-Bender provides some insight on the thought process of being an illegal alien. In this essay Mr. Perez is expressing to the reader that even a small accident could cause huge problems. One such problem could be the possibility of being sent back to his native country. Without immigration papers, without a driving permit, and having hit another car. I feel as if Im one step away from Mexico. (Pg. 79) Mr. Perez uses Narration and Definition to try and gain he readers attention. It appears that the thesis is about an immigrants fight to remain in this country with or without the proper paperwork required. Mr. Perez takes responsibility for the accident but does not think he should be treated differently than anyone else. Not having the papers necessary to prove who he is, appears to the reader to be of no conscience to Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on the Fender-Bender or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Perez. Minor, only a scratch on the paint and a pimple-sized dent (Pg. 79) is how Mr. Perez describes to the reader how small and insignificant the accident appeared. His tone is somewhat anxious. Mr. Perez uses his words to change his meaning in the beginning when talking about his drivers license. He wants to pay for the damage instead of getting the police involved. This is not an uncommon practice for Illegal aliens. Paying for the damage is a better solution for them than the possibility of being deported. An alien is defined as a foreigner. The United States has many undocumented immigrants. Illegal aliens are often discussed in the media, but rarely if ever are the eelings and thoughts explained. Many of them find their own selfs in the same predicament that Mr. Perez faces in this essay. This is a problem in the United States and should be taken seriously. At the same time we have many Mexicans and other cultures that were born in the United States making them citizens but, without the papers to prove who they are it could cause them the same worry as Mr. Perez. Perez, Ramon The Fender-sender.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Gatbys Symbols Essays - The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gatbys Symbols Essays - The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald Gatbys Symbols Searching for Symbolism -HS 1. The valley of ashes represents a modern world, which, like a grotesque hell created by the industry of factories and trains and has polluted America with its waste. The valley symbolizes a world whose inhabitants are so spiritually lost they, like Myrtle, begin to worship money and wealth. The frontier promise has been corrupted by the lies of greed and the emptiness of a dream based on wealth. 2. The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg represent Fitzgeralds feeling that God and religion had taken a less substantial role in comparison with the gods that wield the powers of wealth, status, and greed. The character has a godly presence associated with him and is confused by Wilson as such. The billboard represents a God who has been created by modern society to make money. 3. Green in the story is the color of promise, of hope, renewal and ultimately the color to which Gatsby will stretch his arms for. He makes the color the embodiment of his dream for the future; to reunite with Daisy is that dream. Through the light he strives for a better world where the longing in his heart for Daisy is fulfilled. 4. The owl-eyed man represents the truth behind a hidden facade for the purpose of material superiority, as was the case with Gatsby and the books in the library. He also symbolized the possibly of world based not on materialism but intellect as he is the only one out of the partygoers to come to Gatsbys funeral. 5. Gatsbys boyhood schedule tells the determination that Gatsby has had for all things materialistic but in the end he is destroyed by his materialistic illusions of Daisy, just as the fresh American frontier was converted into the valley of ashes and the green light becomes nothing but a bulb at the end of Daisys dock. 6. Daisy's character is enhanced by Fitzgerald's use of the color white to indicate Daisy's freshness and innocence. Fitzgerald evokes two meanings of white: one is the traditional meaning of purity; the second is the empowerment of whiteness. Daisy represents both privilege and purity. The use of white helps to characterize her as the unattainable enchanted princess who becomes incarnate as Gatsby' s dream. 7. Gatsbys gold colored tie and silver shirt signify the attempt that Gatsby made to show tht he was of the old wealth. But the green apparent in the book contrasts in a significant way. In old times people used gold as a means for exchange, but as a national currency was established green money replaced the gold and gold was no longer backed the dollar. So, gold represents the old money and green represents the new. In the same way, gold symbolizes Daisy and Toms old money and green symbolizes Gatsbys new money. One can arrive to the conclusion to say that Gatsby is green and Tom is gold. He wore the gold tie and silver shirt because he wanted to present himself to Daisy as being a part of the old wealth. 8. Gatsbys dream is the symbolic representation of the views that Fitzgerald holds about the genuine American experience. The corruption of Gatsbys dream; with materialism as its means and the illusion of promise as its goal, is the corruption of American Idealism, which in turn becomes the empty promise. Copyright 2000-95630
Friday, November 22, 2019
Lefkandi (Greece) Heros Burial in the Greek Dark Age
Lefkandi (Greece) Hero's Burial in the Greek Dark Age Lefkandi is the best-known archaeological site from Dark Age Greece (1200–750 BCE), consisting of the remains of a village and associated cemeteries located near the modern village of Eretria on the southern shore of the island of Euboea (known as Evvia or Evia). An important element of the site is what scholars have interpreted as a heroon, a temple dedicated to a hero. Lefkandi was founded in the Early Bronze Age, and was occupied nearly continuously between approximately 1500 and 331 BCE. Lefkandi (called by its residents Lelanton) was one of the locations settled by the Mycenaeans after the fall of Knossos. The occupation is unusual in that its residents seemed to have carried on with the prevailing Mycenaean social structure while the rest of Greece fell into disarray. Life in the Dark Age At its height during the so-called Greek Dark Age (12th–8th century BCE), the village at Lefkandi was a large but scattered settlement, a loose cluster of houses and hamlets scattered over a wide area with a fairly low population. At least six cemeteries were discovered on Euboea, dated between 1100–850 BCE. Grave goods in the burials included gold and luxury goods from the Near East, such as Egyptian faience and bronze jugs, Phoenician brown bowls, scarabs, and seals. Burial 79, known as the Euboean Warrior Trader, particularly held a wide range of pottery, iron and bronze artifacts, and a set of 16 traders balance weights. Over time, the burials became increasingly rich in gold and imports until 850 BCE, when the burials abruptly ceased, even though the settlement continued to thrive. One of these cemeteries is called Toumba because it was located on the lower east slope of the Toumba hillock. Excavations by the Greek Archaeological Service and the British School at Athens between 1968 and 1970 found 36 tombs and 8 pyres; their investigations continue to this day. Toumbas Proto-Geometric Herà ¶on Within the limits of the Toumba cemetery was discovered a large building with substantial walls, proto-geometric in date, but partly destroyed before it could be fully excavated. This structure, believed to be a herà ¶on (a temple dedicated to a warrior), was 10 meters (33 feet) wide and at least 45 m (150 ft) long, erected on a leveled platform of rock. Parts of the remaining wall stand 1.5 m (5 ft) high, constructed by a substantial interior of rough-shaped stones with a mud-brick superstructure and an interior facing of plaster. The building had a porch on the east face and an ovoid apse at the west; its interior held three rooms, the largest, central room measuring 22 m (72 ft) long and two smaller square rooms at the apsidal end. The floor was made of clay laid directly on rock or on a shallow shingle bedding. It had a roof of reeds, supported by a row of central posts, rectangular timbers of 20–22 cm wide and 7–8 cm thick, set into circular pits. The building was used for a short time, between 1050 and 950 BCE. The Herà ¶on Burials Below the center room, two rectangular shafts extended deep into the bedrock. The northern-most shaft, cut 2.23 m (7.3 ft) below the rock surface, held the skeletal remains of three or four horses, apparently thrown or driven head first into the pit. The southern shaft was deeper, 2.63 m (8.6 ft) below the central room floor. The walls of this shaft were lined with mudbrick and faced with plaster. A small adobe and wooden structure were in one of the corners. The southern shaft held two burials, an extended burial of a woman between 25–30 years, with a gold and faience necklace, gilt hair coils and other gold and iron artifacts; and a bronze amphora holding the cremated remains of a male warrior, aged 30–45. These burials suggested to the excavators that the building above was a herà ¶on, a temple built to honor a hero, warrior, or king. Under the floor, east of the burial shaft was found an area of rock scorched by a fierce fire and containing a circle of postholes, believed to represent the pyre on which the hero was cremated. Recent Findings The exotic material goods at Lefkandi make one of the few examples in so-called Dark Age Greece (more properly called the Early Iron Age) that contained imported goods. No such goods appear anywhere else either on or near mainland Greece in such a quantity at such an early period. That exchange continued even after the burials ceased. The presence of trinkets- small, inexpensive imported artifacts such as faience scrabs- in burials suggests to classical archaeologist Nathan Arrington that they were used as personal talismans by most people in the community, rather than as objects signifying elite status. Archaeologist and architect Georg Herdt argues that the Toumba building was not as grand an edifice as has been reconstructed. The diameter of the support posts and the width of the mudbrick walls suggest that the building had a lower and narrower roof. Some scholars had suggested the Toumba was ancestral to a Greek temple with a peristasis; Herdt suggests that the origin of the Greek temple architecture is not on Lefkandi. Sources Arrington NT. 2015. Talismanic practice at Lefkandi: trinkets, burials The Cambridge Classical Journal 62:1-30.and belief in the early Iron Age.Herdt G. 2015. On the architecture of the Toumba building at Lefkandi. The Annual of the British School at Athens 110:203-212.Kroll JH. 2008. Early Iron Age balance weights at Lefkandi, Euboea. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 27(1):37-48.Pullen DJ. 2013. Minding the Gap: Bridging the Gaps in Cultural Change Within the Early Bronze Age Aegean. American Journal of Archaeology 117(4):545-553.Toffolo MB, Fantalkin A, Lemos IS, Felsch RCS, Niemeier W-D, Sanders GDR, Finkelstein I, and Boaretto E. 2013. Towards an Absolute Chronology for the Aegean Iron Age: New Radiocarbon Dates from Lefkandi, . PLoS ONE 8(12):e83117.and CorinthKalapodi Whitley J. 2001. The Archaeology of Ancient Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Negotiations - Coursework Example This requires an in-depth research on the various cars available that will suit my preference. After some critical research online I have narrowed down the possibilities and there is particularly one that has interested me the most. It is a Subaru and after some extensive research on Subarus in relation to performance and the general lifespan, it is seemingly the best option for me at the moment. Additionally, the dealer selling the car allows for a trade in and also payment in instalments with a significant down payment depending on the car. Therefore, there seems to be several available options for me from the dealer hence prompting the need to go and check it out and have a further discussion with the dealer regarding the Subaru. After a relatively long talk with the dealer on the available deals regarding the Subaru and also other available cars in the yard, I have decided to buy the new Subaru I had earlier on spotted during my search. In the course of our talk, the dealer presented the current offers available ranging from cash to a trade in to paying in instalments after a down payment. Based on my current financial position the only offers suitable are either a trade in or paying in instalments. In both options I have to part with the Jetta, which is a decision I had already made. If I settle for a trade in the dealer has agreed to give me $8800 for the Jetta and paying in instalments requires me to first pay a down payment of $9400. With the down payment, I will get a loan with some manageable though steep monthly payments. However, with this option I have to settle for a buyer of the Jetta from among those who had been contacting me in order to give the down payment failure to which I will be forced t o take the loan at prime with an increment of 5% interest. From among the earlier calls there is particularly one seemingly good prospect with whom I have agreed to meet for a discussion on the Jetta sale at 1300 hrs. On meeting with the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Surveys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Surveys - Essay Example es, Behaviour, and Preferences of E-Customers; Allworth Press 17 Introduction This present paper is a research paper that seeks to investigate how the internet has revolutionised how business is done and what influences the internet has on the performance of business organisation. The paper will mainly answer this research question using data collected from questionnaires that were distributed to a target population of fifteen people that comprised of five managers and ten friends and relatives. ... The second part of the paper will analyse that data that was collected in the first part while the third and final part of the paper will discuss research findings , draw out a conclusion and then spell out a few recommendation that address the research question. Part 1 1.1 Impact of the internet on businesses Jarvenpaa and Todd (2010) described the Internet as a global network that interconnects all computers in the world thereby enabling different computers in different corners of the world to communicate with each other. Bridges et al. (2010) further added that the internet is decentralised by design meaning that it is independent and not a property of any individual thou it relies on other physical infrastructures that taps into other networks. Through the interconnectivity provided by the Internet, the world has become a global village and it is no longer necessary to move physically from one location to another in order to inquire or acquire a good or service since this can be done through the internet and payment as well as delivery can be organised through the same platform. According to Bigne (2005), the internet has had a revolutionary impact mostly in the 21st century on the way people carry on various tasks. For example, it is no longer mandatory to go to work to simply submit or write a report, since the employee can do this at the comfort of his or her own home and then send the report to the manager via the internet. This mode of operating is largely classified under the concept of virtual office, which does not necessarily require workers to work under one physical location. Secondly, Close (2012) noted that it is no longer necessary to visit a physical store in order to inquire about a certain product or service before
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Compare and contrast mongol rule Essay Example for Free
Compare and contrast mongol rule Essay During the 12th and 13th centuries the Mongols swept across Eurasia and conquered various peoples, including the Persians and Chinese. There are many slmllarltles and differences In the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on the Abbasid Empire In Persia and on the Yuan Dynasty In china. In both regions, the Mongols were relatively tolerant of all religions. However, they differed in that the Mongols allowed Persia to have native administrators but did not allow China to. When the Mongols ruled in Persia and China, they respected all the religions they encountered. In Persia, the Mongols were attracted to Islam and overtime they ssimilated to it. The Mongols were intrigued by Muslim society and by the year 1295, the Persian khanate had converted to Islam. They built mosques throughout the region and returned Islam toa privileged position of Persian society. The Mongols were also tolerant of the other religions in Persia including. Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism. In China as well, the Mongols respected all cultural and religious traditions. They began to adopt some of Chinese culture, like ancestor worship. Khubilai Khan even built temples for his predecessors, so he could practice ancestor worship. The Mongols tolerated religions and belief systems such as, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Christianity. They allowed churches, temples and shrines to be built, because they wanted to maintain a good relationship with the people ot the region. Although the Mongols tolerated Confucianism, they did not allow It to have official support. The Mongols effects on rellglon In Persia and china were quite similar. The Mongols ways of governing In Persia differed from how they governed In China. In Persia, the Mongols ruled using ideas from Persian bureaucracy. They set up many district and appointed provincial governors. The highest government positions were held by Mongols, but Persians were allowed to be government offcers at lower levels. Persians served as state officials, ministers and provincial governors. The Mongols allowed the Persians to govern the ilkhanate because they knew the Persians had a successful government and would be able to maintain order. However, the Mongols required the Persians to deliver tax receipts as a way of limiting Persian power. The Mongols set up government in China very differently than they had in Persia. The Mongols pushed native Chinese people to the bottom of the hierarchy. The Mongols got rid of Civil Service Exams because they thought there was no need for them. They did not make use of Chinese administrative talent; instead they had foreign administrators govern China. The governing staff included Persians, Arabs and some Europeans. The Mongols didnt want Chinese people to rule because all they wanted from China was to generate revenue and have the people be cultivators. The Mongols governed and treated the Chinese and Persian people very differently. The Mongols political and economic control on Persia and China were alike In some ways and unalike in others. The treatment and tolerance of religions in China ere very similar to that In Persia. Yet, the administrative control in Persia differed than the administrative control In China. The Mongols had multiple methods of ruling conquered regions, none 0T wnlcn were very successTul. However, tnrougnout the Mongols rule, they facilitated trade and encouraged long distance communication throughout Eurasia, which led to cultural diffusion that can still be seen today. Additionally, the Mongols support of Islam helped establish its popularity and encouraged its spread, which has contributed to Islam being the fastest growing and second largest religion.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Princes and Paupers Essay -- Wealth Poor Rich Economy Essays
Princes and Paupers Year by year the world becomes more sharply divided by two. On the one hand, there are the advanced, industrial, developed, with mature economics. And then there are the rest--developing, less developed, underdeveloped, undeveloped, and pre-industrial. The exact description is unimportant; for the basic division is, of course, one between the rich and the poor. What does it mean to be poor? It has always been advantageous to be born on the right side of the tracks. But the accident of birth has never had quite the significance that it holds today, for every child born to parents in the developed countries, seven are born in the underdeveloped world. This fact, above all else, will determine the course of their lives. The chances are that most of the seven children will be born, and brought up in poverty. Being born poor, the chances are that you will spend your life being hungry. This is not ordinary hunger as we may know it, but actual starvation and ill health brought on by lack of nutrition. Two-thirds of the world suffers from malnutrition, and thirty thousand children under five years of age die from malnutrition everyday. It is hard to imagine that within a twenty-four hour period we actually lose that many children. The total food resources in the world today would be perfectly adequate to feed everyone properly, unfortunately, there is an unfair distribution among nations and social groups. The United States is the net importer of food and agriculture from the rest of the world. While we make only five- percent of the worlds population, we import forty- percent of all beef traded, we buy one-third of all the fish and seafood and one-third of all dairy products. The overcompensation of... .... It costs only pennies a day and could make a tremendous difference in a child's life. Think about all of the small change that we spend everyday. The facts provided are not given to be critical of any one person or any particular Western country. Yet, they are facts, and are grim reality for so many disadvantaged people in these Third World countries. Instead of turning our backs on these individuals, we must start educating ourselves on the large gap that consist between the rich and the poor. They are trapped in a pattern of overlapping vicious circles. The people in these poor countries had no choice in where they would be born, but we do have a choice in trying to make a difference in their lives. We must remember that they are human beings just as we are, and have been put at a disadvantage and we in the West are in the position to lessen their suffering.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Building Rock Types in Nottingham City Centre
The purpose of this investigation is to identify and visually examine the various rock types used in Nottingham city centre buildings.Table 1. General information Question AnswerBriefly explain why the rock types used in the buildings are given specific, local names (e.g. â€Å"Ancaster Stone†, â€Å"Bulwell Stone†and â€Å"Portland Stone†are three different types of limestone used in Nottingham buildings). Rock types used in buildings are given the local name of their origin. Rocks of the same type will have variations depending on their geographical background. Therefore by naming rocks after their origin, it is easy to confirm that they come from the same place and so have less variations.Dolomitic limestone was the most common building stone in Nottingham from Victorian times onwards. Briefly explain what â€Å"dolomitic limestone†is (as distinct from â€Å"limestone†).Dolomitic limestone is limestone that has up to 50% dolomite content. The Kentucky geological survey describes the stone often exhibiting a sugary texture and commonly weathering to a brown colour.Table 2. Nottingham building information & observations Building Feature Notes(1) Arkwright Building Describe the rock material (including the form of the blocks) for the limestone used in the buildingThe limestone used in the Arkwright Building is Ancaster stone. It is a sedimentary rock with a typical layered look. It is a pale yellow and has a medium grain size. The blocks of limestone are roughly 750mm x 250mm.(2) St Andrews Church Describe the rock material (including the form of the blocks) for the limestone used in the buildingThere are mainly two types of limestone used in the church. The first is called Bulwell stone. It is a coarse dolomitic limestone with a honey-brown or red tint. The blocks of stone are approximately 200mm x 150mm. The other type of limestone is Barnstone. It is a grey, fine grained rock with a rough texture.(4) Newton Building Desc ribe the contrasts in appearance of the limestone and sandstone used in the Newton buildingThe limestone (Portland stone) in the newton building is white in colour unlike the sandstone’s golden colour. The limestone has a smooth texture whereas the sandstone has a rough, grainy texture. Grain size is generally bigger in sandstone. Limestone blocks also contain shell debris unlike the sandstone.(5) Guildhall Describe the contrasts in the appearance of the sandstone used on the entrance steps to the sandstone used for the main buildingThe sandstone (Coal Measures Sandstone) used on the entrance steps is a bluish grey compared to the red-tinted sandstone (Millstone Grit) used on the main building. The Millstone Grit has medium grained rock whereas the Coal Measures Sandstone has a fine grain size and a smoother texture. (37) Express ChambersWhat is the name of the architect who designed this building (and when was the building constructed?) The Watson Fothergill website states t he architect who designed the Express Chambers was Watson Fothergill. The construction of the building began in 1875 and was completed in 1876. (30) Nottingham and Notts BankDescribe the rock material (including the form of the blocks) for the larvikite used in the buildingThe Pelham Street frontage is made from Larvikite. It is bluish grey in colour. It has coarse inter-locking grains and a pearly lustre. The sheet used are roughly 1500mm x 1000mm. (29) Nottingham Journal BuildingNot including the flooring, name the different types of rock used to clad the exterior of the ground floor of the buildingThe ground floor faà §ade is clad with three different types of (Igneous) rock. The bottom layer course is a dark grey Gabbro. Next is a thin course of Rapakivi Granite. The main panels are a greenish grey Magmatite. (78) The former Gala Casino buildingA partially resorbed xenolith can be seen in the right front, grey granite panel. What is a â€Å"xenolith†?The National Geograp hic states that a xenolith is a piece of rock embedded in a different type of rock. Xenoliths are usually trapped in cooling magma and so most commonly found in igneous rocks. (68) Enfield ChambersDescribe the rock material (including the form of the blocks) for the limestone used in the exterior of the ground floor of the buildingThe Cross-bedded limestone is a dark yellow colour. The rock consists of fine sized grains and small crystals. The blocks of limestone are approximately 1000mm x 450mm and have a smooth texture. (67) PrezzoThe front columns are a porphyritic type of igneous rock. What does â€Å"porphyritic†mean, and can this feature be seen in the columns?The Geology class website explains that porphyritic means an Igneous rock made up of both large and fine crystals. This texture can be seen in the columns. Larger silver crystals are embedded in the finer black crystals.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Motivation of Employees
Human resource, commonly known as the employees or working staff, are said to be the life blood of an organization. They work for the establishment. They are the ones who serve the clients or customers. Therefore, within these people rests the organization’s ability to perform its daily operations, achieve its short and long-term objectives, and eventually be one of the foundations of the success, or failure, of the organization. Thus, the need to, not just satisfy the customers of the establishment, but delight the employees as well. Situations that commonly happen in an organization include poor performance of employees, lack of dedication to work, dissatisfaction with the job and the work environment, and more. All these may bring about even worse scenarios like adversely affecting daily operations, and/or labor union strikes, which definitely paralyze the establishment’s operations. Thus, management must not only consider the gratification of its customers but the value of employee satisfaction as well, thus the need for employee motivation. More so, motivated employees contribute to the survival of the organization (Lindler, 1998). As a matter of fact, management’s motivation of employees in various ways seems to be a very essential matter nowadays. This is because â€Å"motivation is requisite to learning†(Stack, 2007). And motivation itself may come through either extrinsic or intrinsic forms, or both. Extrinsic motivation is â€Å"external inducement, namely recognition, incentives/bonuses, or rewards†(Malone & Lepper, 1987). Employees frequently complain about low salaries, insufficient incentives, unsatisfactory benefits, and the like. And it cannot be denied that these are material reasons why employees tend to resign from their jobs, thus the potential for losing customer value because employee dissatisfaction and lack of loyalty. This type of motivation can be considered effective for those employees who have goals of promotional incentives. According to Michael Williams (1996), extrinsic motivators, such as rewards, added benefits good feedback, and good expectations, may be utilized to boost the employees’ effort to learn. In stirring employees with external motivators, management associates rewards to positive and constructive behavior. It is almost always inherent in every employee to feel valued by management when their performance are appreciated or praised. They usually develop the drive to perform better in their work because of the incentives received, and possibly future inducements which may be received if more effort is exerted. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is viewed as promoting learning that is â€Å"explorative, self-regulated and aimed at deep-level processing, exploration, and reflection†(Martens, Bastiaens, & Kirschner, 2007). This type of motivation, therefore, lacks or does not totally include external inducements. Intrinsic motivators include setting own goals for learning, placing importance on skills and contentment, being readily productive, and more. Employees are in themselves motivated to work effectively. This is not primarily because of incentives or rewards, but because they recognize the need to do so, in order to be able to perform their tasks well, become productive and serve as assets to the company. This type of motivation poses a more mature drive to learn and perform well, lacking the presence of tangible incentives. Malone and Lepper (1987) describe this as â€Å"what people will do without external inducements†(Malone & Lepper, 1987). This type of motivation is possess by those employees who seek no additional reward from management but simply recognizes the interest and enjoyment in performing their tasks. No matter, as more dynamic business communities emerge, the more there is the need not simply to employ people who are capable of performing the task well but the need as well to motivate them, and make them learn to motivate themselves and love their work. Reference: Lindner, J.R. (1998, June). Understanding Employee Motivation. Journal of Extension, 36, 3. Malone, T.W., & Lepper, M.R. (1987). Making Learning Fun: Taxonomy of Intrinsic Motivations for Learning. In Aptitude, Learning and Instruction: Cognitive and Affective Process Analyses, p. 255-286. Martens, R., Bastiaens, T., & Kirschner, P. (2007, May). New Learning Design in Distance Education: The Impact on Student Perception and Motivation. Distance Education, 28 (1), 81-93. Stack, K. (2007). Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved on February 18, 2008 from http://coe.sdsu.edu/eet/articles/motivation/start.htm.  Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fainting Fangirls Essays
Fainting Fangirls Essays Fainting Fangirls Paper Fainting Fangirls Paper Fainting Fingernails Imagine youre an obsessed teenage fan. Now imagine your favorite band member, your idol. You look up to them, talk like them, act like them, you even try to dress like them. You know every single thing about their life except where they get their clothes, until you walk into your local Hot Topic and stumble across an ad with said band member on it. Excited to see what the ad is about, you rush over to it. In big, bold letters are the words Get in Our Pants. Your eyes go wide as you realize that you could finally dress the same as your hero. You look back at the ad and admire that beautiful soul frozen in motion as they perform. At that moment you know your dream of getting in their pants has finally come true. With these thoughts in mind it makes it clear that Hot Topics ad for skinny Jeans entitled Get in Our Pants is directed towards teenage fans. Illustrated with band members accompanied by such a title gives you a clear view of the intended audience. The band members chosen for the ads are from todays most popular punk, metal, and rock bands. The fan base has a rather broad range however it is mostly focused around teens. : The whole Get in Our Pants slogan is creative. Most people view this as Just a clever pun, but to a fanning this is what theyve been writing all of their fan- fiction about. The idea that they could actually have sex with the people they Idealize. This play on words actually pulls them In. In a guy fans point of view It could be a way to pick up a girl that likes the same kind of music as you. To most this is Just an ad for really tight pants, but to them this Is so much more than that. You know that this ad Is not for young children because of the sexual undertone of the slogan. A child more than likely would also not recognize the person Jumping around on a stage. That being said you could say the same thing for an older audience. The folks who still think that Bloodied and Kiss are still the big shots In the rock music Industry today would Just shake their head and ask why the fellow holding the microphone Is wearing girls pants and when hes going to get a haircut. Hot Topics merchandise however Is made for a certain audience as well. They reach out to teens and young adults, ages ranging from 13-25 to people of a certain style, people with a love for dark and rebellious things. A store for those who are usually outcasts. This ad helps both draw In and excite the exact crowd that the company Is looking for. All of these reasons and examples proves that this ad Is great for reaching the audience that Hot Topic prefers, band obsessed fans and music loving young adults with a rebellious side. Word count: 515 By Electorates fiction about. The idea that they could actually have sex with the people they idealize. This play on words actually pulls them in. In a guy fans point of view it could be a ad for really tight pants, but to them this is so much more than that. You know that this ad is not for young children because of the sexual undertone of audience. The folks who still think that Bloodied and Kiss are still the big shots in the rock music industry today would Just shake their head and ask why the fellow holding the microphone is wearing girls pants and when hes going to get a haircut. Hot Topics merchandise however is made for a certain audience as well. They usually outcasts. This ad helps both draw in and excite the exact crowd that the company is looking for. All of these reasons and examples proves that this ad is great
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Understanding the MBA Degree
Understanding the MBA Degree The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a postgraduate degree that is awarded to students who have mastered the study of business. This degree option is available to students who have already earned a bachelors degree. In some cases, students who earn a masters degree return to school to earn an MBA, though this is less common. The MBA degree is widely believed to be one of the most prestigious and sought-after degrees in the world. Students of MBA programs study the theory and application of business and management principles. This type of study equips students with knowledge that can be applied to a variety of real-world business industries and situations.​ Types of MBA Degrees MBA degrees are often split into different categories. For example, there are full-time MBA degree programs (which require full-time study) and part-time MBA programs (which require part-time study). Part-time MBA programs are sometimes known as Evening or Weekend MBA programs because classes are typically held on weekday evening or weekends. Programs like this allow students to continue working while they earn their degree. This type of program is often ideal for students who are receiving tuition reimbursement from an employer. There are also different types of MBA degrees. For example, there is the traditional two-year MBA program. Theres also an accelerated MBA program, which takes just one year to complete. A third option is an executive MBA program, which is designed for current business executives. Reasons to Get an MBA The main reason to get an MBA degree is to increase your salary potential and advance your career. Because graduates who hold an MBA degree are eligible for jobs that would not be offered to those who hold only a college degree or high school diploma, an MBA degree is almost a necessity in today’s business world. In most cases, an MBA degree is required for executive and senior management positions. Some companies will not even consider applicants unless they have an MBA degree. People who hold an MBA degree will find that there are many different types of employment opportunities that are available to them. What You Can Do With an MBA Degree Many MBA programs offer education in general management along with a more specialized curriculum. Because this type of education is relevant to all industries and sectors, it will be valuable regardless of the career that is chosen after graduation. Learn more about jobs for MBA grads. MBA Concentrations When it comes to the MBA degree, many different disciplines can be pursued and combined. The options shown below are some of the most common MBA concentrations/degrees: AccountingBusiness ManagementE-Business/E-CommerceEconomicsEntrepreneurshipFinanceGlobal ManagementHuman Resources ManagementInformation SystemsMarketingOperations ManagementStrategic/Risk ManagementTechnology Management Where You Can Get an MBA Degree Much like a law school or medical school education, the academic content of a business school education does not vary much between programs. However, experts will tell you that the value of your MBA degree is often directly related to the prestige of the school which grants it. MBA Rankings Every year MBA schools receive rankings from various organizations and publications. These ranking are determined by a variety of factors and can be very useful when choosing a business school or MBA program. Here are some of the top-ranked business schools for MBA students: Best U.S. Business Schools: A ranking of the best business schools located in the U.S.Best Canadian Business Schools: A list of the business schools in Canada.Best Part-Time MBA Programs: A ranking of the best part-time MBA degree programs. The Cost of an MBA Degree Cost Getting an MBA degree is expensive. In some cases, the cost of an MBA degree is four times as much as the average yearly salary earned by recent MBA graduates. Tuition costs will vary depending on the school and the program that you choose. Luckily, financial aid is available to MBA students. Nowadays, there are many different options for potential MBA candidates, but before making a decision, you should evaluate each one before settling on the MBA degree program that’s right for you.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Price drop of crude oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Price drop of crude oil - Essay Example In addition, several deals that America has made with war-torn oil-producing countries. The art article addresses the factors mentioned above. The quantity of crude futures declined in the recent past on concerns that the global oversupply is hurriedly filling oil stocks. Total petroleum output in the year 2015 is expected to go up to 9.35 million barrels every day. The quantity is slightly more than the 9.3 million barrels daily forecast in the previous period, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) highlighted last week in its monthly short-term energy outlook. Independently, oil stocks went up more than anticipated marking the several consecutive week of a higher overall than at any other time for the last 80 years and more. The American commercial crude oil stocks rose by approximately 4.5 million barrels from the previous week; the EIA said Wednesday. Another reason weighing on oil price is the OPEC policies on the export of crude oil to the global market. As a result, the American oil output could be adversely affected in the recent years due to low oil prices offered by the OPEC countries. In addition, OPEC also outlines that the lower global oil prices may have affected the marginal barrel output from other sources, such as shale. The OPEC is a significant body in the oil industry. Therefore, its decisions and marketing affects trade in crude oil because it controls a large percentage of the world’s fuel production. As such, any decision that they make directly affects the market prices of the commodity (Why the oil price is falling , 2014). In this case, the petroleum trading block may take actions targeting their competitors in order to establish gain control of a larger market. Such activities may include flooding the market with the commodity leading to market forces coming into play and hence price decline.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Who are the decision makers in the European Union Essay
Who are the decision makers in the European Union - Essay Example The spirit behind formation of the trading block was that countries with high trade interdependence had higher chances of being peaceful. The goal was to establish peace, stability and prosperity among member countries for improved living standards (Europa, 2013). Since its formation, the trade block has undergone significant changes from an economic trade block to a political organization overseeing policy issues affecting economic, political and environmental issues in the region and beyond. Some of the noticeable transformations the EU has undergone include change from European Economic Community to European Union - EU in 1993. Currently, the membership has increased to 27 members drawn from the Euro zone. Most significant of all these changes is the level of development in decision making in matters pertinent to the region and global trade. Decision making has been strengthened by strict adherence to the rule of law, Constitution for Europe, treaties and establishment of strong d ecision making institutions. Some of the key decision making institutions within the EU are; The European Commission, The European Parliament, European Central Bank (ECB), European Council, The Council of European Union, Presidency of EU council among other bodies (Europa, 2013). Mungersdorff (2009) noted that the co-decision procedure is often a rule other than an exception where the European Commission, the European Parliament, The Council of EU and ECB are key decision making institutions of the EU. This paper primarily focus the main decision making organs of the EU and the politics behind that tend to strengthen the trade block in its quest to achieve its vision and mission. The analysis covers the country and regional levels of influence in the decision making process. Subsequent sections of this paper discuss the decision makers in economic, political, social, environmental and arbitration issues affecting the trade block. Decision making in EU is spread across several bodies mandated to oversee specialized functions and operations in harmionising and facilitating operations in the world’s most effective trading block. The paper operates each of the EU bodies mandated to oversee trade, legal, political, justice among other aspects in the trading block and how these bodies work alongside others to support EU in all its functions. Objectives of the European Union The main objectives of the European Union are â€Å"to promote peace, the Union’s values and well-being of its peoples (Europa, 2013).†They are explained in detailed in Article 1 – 3 of the Constitutional Treaty, which outlines both the internal and external objectives of the Union. Decision Making Institutions in EU The Constitutional Treaty of the EU provides a multi-level decision making process where different institutions are involved. Actors in these organizations are drawn from the region as well as from persons from member countries. The decision making struct ures exhibit a high level of interdependence where intra and cross-institutional alliances, as opposed to long-term coalitions is pronounced (Cini and Borragan, 2010; Mongersdorff, 2009; Thomson, Boerefijn and Stokman, 2004). Key decision making EU bodies include; The European Commission, The European Parliament, The European Council, European Central Bank (ECB), European Investment Bank, Council of European Union, EU Court of Justice and the EU presidency. The institutions work closely with other bodies and organizations of the EU including the European Ombudsman, European Court of Auditors, European External Action Service, European Economic and Social Committee,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Wal-Mart Business aroung the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wal-Mart Business aroung the World - Essay Example As the paper highlights, Mexico was not a driving region so they have to be within their consumers’ neighborhood. Aside from that, Mexicans preferred fresh products so they had to offer their goods fresh. With their thirst to succeed in their endeavor and the help of Grupo Cifra, Mexico became their first international expansion in 1991. Aside from big established retailers like Metro AC, Aldi and Kaufland, Wal-Mart’s big mistake in their venture in Germany was not having a cultural context on their strategy. Same thing with their business in South Korea, Wal-Mart seemed to cater to Americans alone and did not mind the region’s culture. Unlike with their business in Mexico, they didn’t try to adapt to the needs and wants of their consumers. They eventually had to pull out their business in these countries. Offering freshly harvested products is a must for Chinese. Given that China shares 1/3s of Asia’s population, Wal-Mart considers China as the center of their growth strategy.  International business venture is never easy. There are so many factors to consider. Culture is on top of the listr. As a retailer, you should know the goods a region will buy to stay in business. A rigorous supply and demand and shopping habits study will be essential in order to succeed in your venture. Remem ber that to stay in business, you should get a good percentage of the market. Wal-Mart posted their third quarter profits reaching $3.23 billion, which is 3.2% from a year ago. Their net sales for the third quarter were $98.667, which increased 1.1% from the same period last year. Wal-Mart has more than 7,970 stores including Supercenters and discount stores.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Personal Reflection In Research Study Skills English Language Essay
Personal Reflection In Research Study Skills English Language Essay In this essay am going to write my personal reflection on what I have learnt in research study skills. This will include some assessment of my personal learning style and strengths and weaknesses, an estimated work plan for my completion of the degree, and the strategy I intend to adopt for future essay writing. Research Study Skills has taught me the difference between a book review and a book report. Even though it might take me a while to learn how to write using the correct and the best format laid out in lesson 7 I believe that by the time I am finished with this course, I will be able to write excellent reviews and reports. I have also discovered some ideas on how to write a report and a review. Therefore this lesson makes a clear explanation about these two subject matters. The lesson also gives simple ways and forms of writing reports and reviews. PERSONAL LEARNING STYLE I enjoy memorising academic concepts and ideas. I love to be challenged mentally, because it stimulates my thought patterns and enables me quickly discover academic concepts. This also helps me to retain as much academic information as possible. I like discussing issues from different viewpoints. My other way of learning is through research and visual aid. I enjoy reading topics of interest and if I find a video documentary on that topic, I get so stimulated to watch it as this enhances my remembrance of all that I have previously read in my research studies. I also like to study and discuss academic theories with others. Meanings of new and challenging words are very fascinating to me and I love to listen more than speaking. I prefer to write down an answer than speak it out. I find myself remembering more when am writing than when I am speaking. There are a lot of information I have come to know since I started this course, and this has helped me learn to how to write better essays , construct sentences properly, and the use of appropriate information for a particular assignment. I commend the research study skills book to be a very useful resource that can help any aspiring student to use it if they want to get the best results in essay writing. Most people overlook the subject on research study skills simply because they do not see the benefit of it. STRENGTHS I am quick at discovering new concepts and I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t easily give up because I try to do my best to present the best form of work. I refuse to be called a failure because I always want to try again and again and I love to see others excel in their work. When choosing essays, I love to pick tough questions rather than simple ones. I cherish discovering new ideas for myself. I find it exciting to write book reports and reviews and also reading academic books apart from the Bible. My written work is often organised and I also try to make it interesting and different. My special interest is to research on different subject matters, especially matters to do with church history, world history and cultural history. I am never satisfied until I learn something new from that subject I am researching on. WEAKNESSES I sometimes struggle to understand what the question is all about in an essay. I also mix up the meanings of certain words. I easily forget what comes first in a bibliography or footnote. I often want the lecturer to give me an example before I can attempt to do it myself. I find it hard to put quotes in my work unless if I am helped by someone who knows how to put quotes in their essays. I get frustrated, with a subject that I do not seem to understand or follow. I sometimes, concentrate more on one subject and neglect the other ones. My sources are often limited because I do not expand my research and I never try to think of ways to search for them. WORK PLAN I have put down a chart and on that chart I have written down every subject I am doing this term and the assignments in those subjects. I have laid down a plan to work on one assignment per week and this time I will use more sources and learn how to use citations. I have decided to write good essays this term and to go through the research and study skills book over and over again to help me understand the correct principles of writing a good and excellent essay. I have set a deadline for every one of my assignments apart from the one given by the Lecturer. I set a timetable of how am going to involve my studies and other schedules. The idea of handing in an assignment per week fits well in my timetable. I have also put of things that were wasting my time when I should have been doing my assignments. I have to learn to allow my mind to get used to a working plan that is consistent. I plan to make use of every opportunity in my busy schedule to write down some points about the topic I am dealing with in the essay. POINTS TO REMEBER IN MY WORK PLAN I will remember to use the same format throughout my work I will write the correct information in every assignment I will first choose a particular essay that I want to work on. Find out or define the problem. Write a bibliography for that particular essay. Approach the question from every angle using different resources and books by different authoritative writers. Always begin with an introduction Always have conclusion in my essay unless if ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a book report. Explain the meaning of a new word in the essay. Use quotes and reference them correctly giving credit to the person who quoted it. Always use the right methodology of writing. Never repeat a statement more than once. No plagiarising, but always put the work in my own words and understanding. Always use the correct format when writing footnotes. Remember the difference between bibliographies and footnotes. Use accurate and up to date resources. Understand the question. Always check the spelling of words. Have one systematic way of writing my essays. Have a continuous and correct form of connecting sentences. Always put sub-headings in the body. Allow the lecturer to look at the essay before final submission. Never leave spaces in between one paragraph to another. STRATEGY The hand book provides a very useful and simple form of writing excellent essays. In the future, I plan to write essays in a systematic way and not mixed up information. Before I write an essay, I will first choose a topic or question that I think I would easily research on. Secondly, I will expand my search for sources, I will use internet, libraries and educational places like museums and art galleries. Thirdly, I will write essays that will capture the marker or examinerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attention. Fourthly, I will collect sources required for the assignment in advance. I will also make sure the sources are useful for that particular subject. I will make sure I understand what I am writing about. I will imagine myself being present in that piece of work like a writer imagines him or herself being present in every event of the story he or she is writing. Finally, I will always start and finish my assignments before the due date and critically view and answer the question being de alt with. CONCLUSION Writing this reflection has helped me to write effective and productive essays. I will take it as my top priority to improve my essay writing. The lessons learnt through this essay will be used in future essay writing and also help in research purposes. Having a written work plan will help me remember principles that need to be applied in my essay writing.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Humanity and Reason in Othello Essays -- Othello essays
Humanity and Reason in Othello    In Othello Shakespeare probes deeply into the human condition by creating characters, who, by their inability to think rationally, surrender what sets them above animals. Before he succumbs to Iago's poisonous innuendoes, Othello himself expresses his clear understanding of this role of the human intellect. He initially refuses to listen to Iago's suggestions that Desdemona cannot be trusted, "Exchange me for a goat/When I shall turn the business of my soul/To such exsufflicate and blown surmises" (3.3.194-96). Othello feels that he would be acting like an animal if he became irrationally jealous because someone would say "my wife is fair, feeds well, loves company" (3.3.198). He tells Iago that he will not blindly fall into jealousy, especially when he never has had reason to suspect Desdemona, "I'll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove;/And on the proof, there is no more but this--/Away at once with love or jealousy" (3.3.205-07). Othello is at this point a confident man, both in his wife's faithfulness, and in his ability to think rationally. However, Shakespeare shows that this confidence is often not enough. In his Sonnet 129, Shakespeare describes lust as another force that destroys the ability to reason effectively. The poet depicts lust as desire that is Past reason hunted, and no sooner had, Past reason hated as a swallowed bait On purpose laid to make the taker mad: ... All this world well knows, yet none knows well To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell. (7-8,15-16) In his sonnet, Shakespeare laments that even when we know that lust is dangerously irrational, most people cannot resist falling under its spell. Othello finds the same to be true ab... ...mplete Works of Shakespeare . Ed. David Bevington. 4th ed. NY: Longman, 1997. Soellner, Rolf. Shakespeare’s Patterns of Self-Knowledge . N.p.: Ohio State UP, 1972. OUTLINE Thesis Statement: When the characters in Othello cease to use reason they lose their humanity and are associated with animal imagery. Roderigo Irrationally in love with Desdemona Wants to drown himself like "cats and blind puppies" Iago calls him a snipe Iago Irrationally jealous of Othello and Cassio Equates love with animalistic lust Encourages others to "be a man" A man is decisive A man looks out for himself A man loves himself Roderigo calls him an "inhuman dog", Lodovico a "Spartan dog" Emilia implores him to tell the truth "if thou be'st a man" Othello Irrationally jealous of Desdemona and Cassio Equates lack of reason with animals Refers to himself as a dog.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Brain and Language
Damasio and Damasio (1992) discussed the detailed mechanics of language processing by the human brain. Their article, first established a general understanding of such concepts as the brain’s ability to categorize and classify word-forms through the mediation of the human sensors. According to their article, the brain’s left and right hemispheres contains three neural structures. The first extensive structure processes the non-verbal representations organizing objects, events, and relationships.Second structure, located only in the left hemisphere is responsible for producing the language through and with phonemes, phonemic and syntactic structures with the resulting word-forms. They referred to the third structure as a mediating structure that can change the concept into the word form or vice versa. Their further discourse proceeded into the specifics of the brain anatomy and various effects of the damage or lesions of the portions of the brain. Their examples with the color recognition were particularly impressive when they described the condition known as achromatopsia – lack of ability to perceive colors (i.e. seeing the environment in the shades of gray). The article was especially effective in describing the complicated mechanism behind the color recognition, color categorization and classification, and producing the correct word-form for the specific color. The article argues against the traditionally thought the â€Å"pictorial†representations of the objects, persons, or any combination of the environmental experiences but instead the authors describe their theory of how records of neural activity are stored in the sensory and motor cortices.Such patterns of synaptic activity also act through and with associations on which one particular object will associate with the patterns of color, shape, usage, tactile perceptions, and the feelings that a person has usually when using this object. The authors further state that the neu ral actions that occur as the result of interaction between the person and the object happen in different functional areas of the brain and come together in areas of â€Å"convergence†of synaptic connections.Then recall of the event and its associated experiences depend upon simultaneous reactivation of the neural actions within the neuron assemblies when those fire simultaneously and reactivate the previously occurred patterns of neural activity. Simultaneously, the categorization and classification occurs in such similar or related neural actions are activated together. The categorization and classification abilities of the first neural structure make it possible to distinguish objects by their characteristics and function ‘stored’ previously, as Damasio and Damasio describe the example with a coffee cup.Such ‘recollection’ is perhaps responsible for the brain’s ability to express the formed within concept and to understand a comprehensive input as the concept. The article further exemplifies a curious condition in which a patient would loose an ability to define a concept for a unique entity (like an animal species in the author’s example). From this example, the reader would learn that the affected patient would not be able to name any animal species (i. e. raccoon) nor would say its size, color, or shape.He would simply say â€Å"animal†when presented with the picture of a raccoon (Damasio Damasio, 1992). When describing the affect produced by the specific lesion of the portion within the left hemisphere, the authors wrote about the earlier discovery by Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke of the phenomenon called ‘cerebral dominance’ which specifically pointed out at the left hemisphere as the organ responsible for the production and processing of human language in â€Å"99 percent of right-handed and two-thirds of left handers.†The article confirms these studied by briefly discussing t he research by Edward Klima of the University of California at San Diego and Ursula Bellugi of the Salk Institute of Biological Studies in San Diego who have discovered that aphasia (condition that impedes language-interpreting ability) is caused by damage to the particular region of the left hemisphere of the brain. Using the aphasic patients, the investigators were able to map the neural activities responsible for the formation of the language and its interpretation (also including other variations of language such as sign language) (Damasio & Damasio, 1992).With having a map in front of them, the neuroscientists and other field investigators would be able to specify exactly which function would be impaired as the result of damage to which portion of the left hemisphere. This would also extend to the predictive ability as far as other functions of the whole language production mechanism are concerned. Example of such can be actual production of speech sounds, intonation (i. e.spea king in a ‘flat tone’, long pauses between the words and defective grammar), the impairment of associative and habit learning, production of nouns, production of verbs (nouns and verbs are produced and processed in different regions), difficulty understanding meanings that represent the syntactic structures, and the inability to understand the meaning of non-reversible passive structures. The authors further attempt to defend their point of view in favor of the mediating system between the structure that is responsible for concept processing and the system that actually produces word and word structures.According to them, the mediating system’s function would be that of the selection of the correct meaning of lexicon or that connecting the concepts’ interrelationship. It is understood that mediation system is mostly activated when the person attempts to understand the comprehensive input. The purpose of comprehension sets in motion the mediating system tha t is capable of bringing associative connections between the concepts, particular experiences, and generalized experiences together. To exemplify their view, the authors mention A. N. and L. R.as patients who have a problem in retrieval of common nouns representing certain entities. Their deficit in the specific word-form retrieval is causes by their inability to activate the mediation system that deprives them of the ability to bring the connection between the concepts (i. e. of the noun and what that noun represents as far as the object and its function). Damasio and Damasio explained such selective deficiency by stating that the selectivity in conceptualization of entities depends upon the absence or presence of the personal relation of the patient to the entity/concept.By loosing the function of some regions of the left hemisphere, the patients will respond by loosing the specific speech/conceptualization function that is mapped to that region. In A. N. and L. R. case it was the damage to anterior and midtemporal cortices that rendered them unable to pick may common nouns. The article concludes with the detailed discourse into the studies by the group of researchers at Washington University.Specifically, this group was interested in the production and interpretation of verbs and functors and how the nouns can be mediated together with the appropriate actions, like the noun ‘apple’ would mediate with the verb ‘eat. ’ Their conclusions illustrated a situation in which the damage to the certain left hemisphere regions would disrupt such association rendering the patient unable to produce the appropriate verb and further disrupting their use of grammar (Damasio & Damasio, 1992).The article was comprehensive in its purpose in terms of being able to describe the complex structure and function of the left hemisphere’s regions responsible for processing, production, and mediation of the components of human language. The only critiq ue of the article that I have is that the authors attempted to place too much of very specific information into a very small format. The complexity of the concepts behind the message would be better delivered if more practical examples were used and the text would be delineated with a larger number of lay terms.In general, the article’s audience appeared to be professionals or paraprofessionals who already had a significant understanding within the field. It would be difficult to understand for people with a limited knowledge and background within the field. The illustrations were adequate and the sources appropriate in both quality and quantity. My suggestion for the further research would be targeting the Visio-Spatial Memory Units that are units of memory assembled from different perceptual input within the Working Memory (Baddely, 1992).Further, my suggestion would be to investigate the alternative approaches to the definition and theoretical function-ability of the short -term memory. References Baddeley AD. 1992. Working memory. Science 255:556-59 Damasio, A. R. , & Damasio, H. (1992). Brain and Language, Scientific American, pg. 89- 95, Retrieved June 28, 2007 from http://www. utdallas. edu/~wkatz/Proseminar_articles. html
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Odysseus Essay
In the poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, 3 strong character traits of Odysseus, the main character, are demonstrated. Homer makes all of these traits very clear, they can be qualified as good or bad traits. Homer displays these traits constantly but in different ways. In other words, his weakness hurt him but his quick thinking would help him. Odysseus’ arrogant attitude could either be considered a good trait or a bad trait. Odysseus, the main character of The Odyssey by Homer demonstrates weak leadership, quick thinking, and an arrogant attitude throughout his journey. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus often shows a very weak side of himself. Not physically weak but emotionally weak, thus Odysseus is always caught in the corner weeping. Calypso was the first to admit â€Å"Off he sat off a headland weeping there as always†(Homer 155) which shows he is over dramatic considering the fact that Calypso says he is weeping, as always. Since this is a normal thing for Odysseus, another example of this is when he â€Å"buried his handsome face, ashamed his hosts might see him shedding tears†(Homer 195). Not only is Odysseus often caught in the corner crying but he always seems ashamed of himself. He knows when he shows signs of weakness and he doesn’t want his men to think of him as anything less than the powerful man he is. Another character trait Odysseus demonstrates throughout the story is his ability to react quickly in tough situations. On page 317 the men are struggling to stay warm. They admit that the cold will do them in. But as for Odysseus, he has a plan. a thought flashed in his mind; no one can touch a man at plots or battle–Odysseus had a plan†(Homer 317). Odysseus always has a plan, a quick plan because he is a quicker thinker. Later in the book when Odysseus distracts his people while he hides the slaughters of the suitors. He quickly realizes he can have his minstrel play his music while Telemachus drags the suitors outside. Because of Odysseus’ ability to react quickly to his many obstacles he is always able to get himself out of the sticky situations he is dragged into. If it wasn’t for this trait, he most likely wouldn’t have made it half as far as he did. Odysseus was always very confident of himself in each problem he came across. So confident that I would consider him to be conceited. Some of the things he thought of himself were very true but others were what he thought to be true. Odysseus himself admits, â€Å"my wits kept weaving- weaving cunning schemes†(Homer 224). Yes, Odysseus is a very cunning person but he also isn’t afraid to admit it, which is where his cockiness came into play. Another one of the many examples is when he is so confident he could win the challenge against Phaecia’s best. Odysseus is challenging the Phaecians to â€Å"go match that, you young pups, and straightaway– I’ll hurl you another just as far, I swear, or even father†(Homer 198) which is very confident of him.. They aren’t just any of the Phaecian’s but they are the best. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing he is so confident because it shows that he is brave and willing, but sometimes it can come off as him being overly cocky which irks his men and makes it difficult to get along. During The Odyssey, Homer portrays Odysseus to be dramatic, arrogant, and a quick thinker. He is such a strong leader but he always brings out the worst in himself but he definitely knows what to do in every situation considering he makes it home safely. Although he came across many life threatening obstacles throughout his journey home, his quick thinking often helps but his arrogant attitude sometimes ruins things for him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Words, Our Strength Our Weaknesses Essays - Arabic, Free Essays
Words, Our Strength Our Weaknesses Essays - Arabic, Free Essays Words, Our Strength Our Weaknesses Words are considered to be a mysterious mean of communication in our everyday life. Powers of well-chosen words have the power to inform, influence, educate and entertain others. Words can evoke rich images of inner and outer emotions through different ways of communication. Their powers are expressed effectively and emotionally in stories, poems, essays, artworks etc. Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. Words are what we use to express our self, our thoughts , and our feelings. We use words in every walk of our lives , and hence the power of words is immense and powerful. The impact of words on different people varies because i t depends on their understanding, and in what manner they conceive it. In general, when people want to communicate and express them selves, they use words, the most powerful drug. Words can influence us in many ways such as in making us happy, sad, emotional etc . and have impact on us in many ways such as influencing and changing lives. No one has ever wondered why the words a teacher uses can make a huge difference in a student's future? If a teacher chooses to tell a student the wrong words for example ; are you an idiot , have you ever been to school , it could discourage a student and stop them from "giving it their all". If that happens, the student may never continue on the path they had once set out to take, like going to college or getting a good job to earn a living. However, if a teacher chooses the right words to tell a student for example ; you are a smart student you can do it , it could instead encourage them to do their best, make goals, and work toward a brighter future . The third reason why words have a great power is my personal experience. When I came back to Bahrain I didn't know how to read and write in Arabic. I applied to St.Christopher S chool they didn't accept me because my Arabic was not up to level. When I joined Naseem School Ms . Inas our Arabic teacher she used to encourage me always , and used to tell me that I am smart kid. Her way of talking a ffected me a lot , I moved from ASL to Advance level because her word s had great power on me. So on when I reach ed grade 7 Ms. Hanan had a great effect on me when she encourage d me to gi ve a speech in Arabic. I won in the speech competition. In conclusion, words can make a huge difference in people's lives. Whether you are in the classroom or interacting with other people, you should always be careful and choose your words wisely, because you never know what kind of an impact it could make. Words have power, words are power, words could be your power. -Mohammed Qahtani
Monday, October 21, 2019
Thank You, God Quotes Express Appreciation
Thank You, God Quotes Express Appreciation If you are grateful for your lifes blessings and want to thank God for them, you can express your thanks in prayers and deeds. Spend a few moments every night to say a small thank you to God: not just for your successes; offer your thanks even when you fail. Failures are the stepping stones to success. Ask God to guide you through your difficulties so that you emerge strong. Find your inner strength by focusing your energies on your goal. These thank you, God quotes are more than expressions of gratitude. They inspire you to have humility and sincerity. They remind you that you are lucky to have your desires fulfilled and that you should not take your blessings for granted. Many others, though not as lucky as you, have overcome their difficulties and continued on their path. Fortune favors the brave, but dont let your achievements make you overconfident or ungrateful. Stay humble; a small mistake can wipe out your fortunes. Mitt Romney Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give those worldly things your best but never your all- reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it. Joseph Hall What I have done is worthy of nothing but silence and forgetfulness, but what God has done for me is worthy of everlasting and thankful memory. Rosie Cash Just a thank you is a mighty powerful prayer. Says it all. Ben Stein I thought that all of the sacrifices and blessings of the whole history of mankind have devolved upon me. Thank you, God. White Eagle Happiness is the realization of God in the heart. Happiness is the result of praise and thanksgiving, of faith, of acceptance; a quiet tranquil realization of the love of God. e.e cummings I thank you, God, for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. William Arthur Ward God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say thank you? James Russell Lowell Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day, which must be done, whether you like it or not. A.W. Tozer Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now. Jean Ingelow I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered. Henry David Thoreau Thank God men cannot fly and lay waste the sky as well as the Earth. Thomas Goodwin Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks. John Milton Gratitude bestows reverence changing forever how we experience life and the world. Steven Cojocaru Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes. It gave me the strength to persevere and warmed my heart. Meister Eckhart If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Garrison Keillor Thank you, dear God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough. Thank you for the rain. And for the chance to wake up in three hours and go fishing: I thank you for that now, because I wont feel so thankful then. Fritz Scholder I give thanks every day that Ive been able to take my craziness and make it work for me. Israelmore Ayivor Ingratitude to God does not rely only on our refusal to give the verbal Thanksgiving due to him but also resides in our inability to appreciate his gifts and potentials in us by leaving them untapped. Sarah Ban Breathnach â€Å"Every time we remember to say thank you, we experience nothing less than heaven on Earth.â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of the Straw Man Fallacy
Definition and Examples of the Straw Man Fallacy The straw man is a fallacy in which an opponents argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted. The technique often takes quotes out of context or, more often, incorrectly paraphrases or summarizes an opponents position. Then after defeating the position, the attacker claims to have beaten the real thing. Although the term straw man is a recent coinage, the concept is ancient. In the Topics, Aristotle acknowledges that in argument it would be inappropriate to interpret as someones position an opinion that he did not express or is not committed to, in virtue of what he said (Douglas Walton, Methods of Argumentation). The name of the fallacy represents the idea that although a straw man may look like a human, it wont put up any resistance in a fight. The straw man fallacy also goes by the name Aunt Sally, particularly in Great Britain. Straw Man in Commercials Commercials make use of straw man fallacies. In the famous Wheres the beef? Wendys campaign, the commercials exaggerate the tiny amount of meat that other chains use in their burgers to show how much bigger and better its burgers are. Straw Man in Politics Straw man has always been the stock-in-trade of advertisers and political smear campaigns, illustrate authors Nancy Cavender and Howard Kahane in their book Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric. A group called Common Sense Issues made a million automated phone calls to voters in the 2008 South Carolina primaries claiming that John McCain has voted to use unborn babies in medical research. This was a gross distortion of his position to support research on stem cells gathered from embryos (12th ed. Wadsworth, 2014). During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton was for open borders. He took a comment out of context from a speech she gave to a Brazilian bank about trade and energy to twist it into a statement that preyed on some peoples fears of immigrants. He claimed she wanted people to be able to enter the border without going through any kind of process at all, which isnt true. His sound-byte distortion likely had an effect on voters, as immigration was a big issue in the campaign, and his repetition of the claim was easier to remember than her stances about nuances in the complex issue. Sometimes people morph the straw man into a warning about a slippery slope where allowing one side to win would put humanity on a course of destruction. Any time someone begins an attack with So youre saying we should all just... or Everyone knows..., you can bet a straw man is coming, wrote author David McRaney. Straw men can also be born out of ignorance. If someone says, Scientists tell us we all come from monkeys, and thats why I homeschool, this person is using a straw man, because science doesnt say we all come from monkeys. (You Are Not So Smart. Penguin, 2011) Countering the Straw Man To refute a straw man attack during a debate, point out the fallacy and how it is incorrect. If you ignore it and the attacker keeps harping on it, the real issue could get buried in the straw. If you try and defend what the opponent said is your position, it gets increasingly difficult to show how the opponent distorted your views.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Environmental Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Environmental Law - Essay Example These are all very crucial points that are focused on in the body of this research. There is the utilization of many books and journal articles to bring a scholarly interpretation into the idea of developing nuclear energy. The conclusion that is evidently reached is split 50/50 as there are pro's and con's to a conceptualization such as this. Until the entire known obstacles can be minimized and proper ways for the disposal of left over nuclear waste can be correctly implemented then it is not something that the world considers very ideal and useful. However, the final points this research discovered was that, the many adversities posed by this technology have not prevented a percentage of countries from continuing their studies in turning uranium and other radioactive materials to energy. In fact, it showed some countries are on the verge of fine tuning this very type of energy, but is it in the best interest of the world The idea of nuclear power capabilities has been being experimented with for a number of years now. Nevertheless, even through all of the experimentations that have been done and the nuclear power plants that have been properly constructed there have been adverse elements that have placed numerous negative theories, which have been overshadowing the positive possibility of a flourishment in nuclear energy for many countries spanning out across the globe. There are many countries though that do have a slight use of nuclear energy yet, it is very minute compared to the traditional forms of energy that are produced. Nevertheless, there are countries that continue to dabble in nuclear energy as they state it is the cleanest source of energy there is. Even so, there still leaves the problem of disposing of the remnants of nuclear waste which has been a major concern of this form of energy regardless of whether it is more economical or not. However there are pro's and con's to be found in this type of ideology. In past years there have been countries who have suffered due to misjudgement in control of nuclear energy facilities. For example, going back in history we find that in 1986, within the Russian town of 1Chernobyl there was an incident where a nuclear reactor at a nearby plant exploded. Although the death toll from this was minimal, it was not and is not the only concern medical experts and nuclear specialists were pessimistic about, and possibly to this day are still feeling the repercussions from. Matter of factly, this one small occurrence placed fear in millions of people all around the globe, and many believed that it would put the thought of attempting to develop nuclear energy to rest because the risks were far too great. For awhile it did because the points were made that nuclear technology is extremely dangerous and it only takes one small incorrect twist of a bolt here or there to set the stage for a nuclear explosion. Chernobyl was only one example of what can happen when mistakes are made, whether by accident or not. When working with nuclear materials there is no room for accidents, which is one of the major issues surrounding the concept of adapting to the possibility of nuclear energy. However, at this same time there are those who claim Environmental law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12 Environmental law - Essay Example The principle of good neighborliness indicates that it is the duty of a state to inform and discuss with other states, when it intends to engage in a programme such as construction of a power plant, which is likely to harm the neighboring states environment. In addition, it advocates for each state to encourage international co-operation by exchange of scientific knowledge and technology (Hunter et al, 1997). The principle of due diligence or due care-the obligation to protect rights of other states, with respect to the environment and natural resources is one of the basic principles of environmental protection and preservation law. Apart from steady monitoring there is an increasing emphasis on the duty of states, to take protective actions to maintain the environment. The principle requires states not to use the lack of full scientific certainty as a basis for postponing procedures to forestall ecological deprivation in situations where there are threats of grave damage (Hunter et al, 1997). Conventionally, natural resources located wholly within national boundaries have been considered to be within the national law, but resources shared by different nations such as rivers or migratory wildlife there is a need for international guidelines. A state has complete sovereignty over resources within its borders, but when resources do not fall entirely within the territorial control of one State, but overlap common political border, the concept governing collective resources is the universal obligation for equitable exploitation of such resources (Hunter et al, 1997). In conclusion, much of international environmental law relates to an obligation to cooperate are more specific duties relating, for example, the exchange of information and the requirement to coordinate international scientific research. Thus, the duty to inform and cooperate promotes a swap of information. Periodic reporting requirements are one of the
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