Sunday, January 26, 2020
The History Of Microsoft Windows Since 1981 Computer Science Essay
The History Of Microsoft Windows Since 1981 Computer Science Essay Since 1981, Windows has preserved the leading position in the operating system league, outweighing opponents such as Linux and MAC OS. In the course of the time, it has improved its services in order to provide the best quality to its customers. The trend from the creation and establishment of the first desktop operating system to the finalisation of the windows family into a more advanced group of mobile technologies and operating systems can be regarded as an immense triumph for the well known type of software. As a historical start-up point, it should be mentioned that Microsoft Windows announced on November 1983, an extension of MS-DOS that would make available graphical operating environment. This was only just the beginning. The first version of Windows (Version 1.0) was launched on the 20th of November 1985. This DOS Shell-like version included a minimal amount of Windows Application such as a simple painting program, a word processor, an appointment calendar, a card filer, a notepad, a clock, a control panel, computer terminal, clipboard and RAM. These applications were able to be communally multitasked but the function of overlapping windows in the course of Windows software was not yet possible. The software used for Windows 1.0 was way too simple and for that reason it failed to success in the market. After the failure of the first version, Windows released the second version of Windows (Version 2.0) on the 7th of December in 1987. Microsoft used the 286 intel processor, which extend memory capabilities and allowed users to overlap windows. The graphics were improved and it could use a series of keyboard combinations in order to circulate quickly through operations. Microsoft came out with a new release 2.03 exploiting the protected mode possessing additional memory capabilities of the intel 386 processor. As the time was passing by new windows releases were constantly modernised and developed. The third release of windows was back in 1990 and it was regarded as a great success for Microsoft. The Windows 3.0 came out with highly developed graphics (16 colours) due to VGA video cards. It also offered a variety of new features and applications and an improving multitasking using virtual memory. This was the most victorious version so far having repercussion on the market by selling over 10 million copies all around the world. After the third release Microsoft came out with Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The modification that appears in the name is the NT which stands for new technology. Microsoft tried to develop a satisfactory operating system both in home and business editions using 32-bit on this version. However Microsoft used many similar features to windows 3.1, like overlapping windows. The same year Microsoft released Windows for Workgroups 3.11 which was a version of Windows 3.1 but it was networking aware. It had peer-to-peer workgroup and domain networking support. They mainly used by local area network and on standard PCs and laptops. In 1994 Microsoft released Windows NT Workstation 3.5 which was basically Windows NT but much more improved. This product had better application support and was very keen to print servers. Another important improvement was that it had the capability to save long file names up to 255 characters. After the Windows 3.1, Windows for workgroups and MS-DOS, Microsoft came out with Windows 95. It was the first version of Windows which did not possess the necessity to install DOS being a much more improved interface with TCP/IP which supported dial up networking and mobile computing. The particular improvement consisted of 17 cabs and the full version of 28 cabs. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 circulated on 1996 and integrates the Windows 95 user interface with several bundled server processes. It was considered as a UNIX substitute and it consisted of over 16 million lines of code. After this release Microsoft announced that Windows NT would no more have the initials NT and the next release would be called Windows 2000. Windows 98 was an advance edition of Windows 95. This product included Internet Explorer 4 and it contained a variety of facilities in its arsenal including support from USB to ACPI power management, reading DVD discs and open/close applications in faster modes. It was consisted by 69 cabs and had a faster registry handling. Microsoft launched Windows 98 Second edition in 1999. There had been a series of new instalments with the most vital being the addition of Internet connection sharing, which let a number of machines on a local area network to share a single internet connection. Furthermore it was easier for the user and many problems which found in the first version were fixed. In 2000 Microsoft introduced the Windows Millennium Edition which improved multimedia and internet tasks. The system restore was presented for the first time. System restore offers the advantage to the user to restore his system to a previous point which it was working effectively. Another important feature was the Windows Movie Maker. The Millennium edition was the last version of Windows that based on the Windows 95 code base and the last release does not contain Product Activation. In October 2001 Microsoft released Windows XP which was the result of integrating Windows NT/2000 and Windows 95/98/Me. The initials XP stands for experience which represents the features you can use. The users had the benefit of enjoying music, movies, messaging easier than the other versions. However Windows XP had serious security problems that lead Microsoft to release three very important service packs. Service pack 1 was released in September 2002, Service pack 2 on August 2004 and the final release was in April 2008. Windows XP offered a variety of versions. The home edition for desktop and laptops, the professional for business and power users, the media centre which was related to entertainment, the tablet pc edition, the x64 that used on 64 bit operating system with the processor AMD64 and the final release was XP 64-bit edition which maintained 32-bit compatibility all the way through a software emulator and included quite similar features to the XP Professional version. Microsoft released Windows Server 2003 on April 2005. This product provided a series of new security features and a Manage Your Server application which was used in order to set up a machine for specific roles and achieved an enhanced performance. Some applications of less importance for the server edition were disabled and users had to enable them by themselves if it was to their desire. The acceleration for display, Windows audio and Themes Service were disabled. The Windows Server was available in six editions which were web, standard, enterprise, data-centre, small business server and storage server. All editions were available in 32bit and 64 bit except the Web version and the Small Business Server release. As was programmed, the release of windows vista occurred on the 30th of November 2006 for commercial use and for the general public on the 30th of January, 2007. An overall description of the new windows vista main purpose is that Windows Vista intended to have enhanced security by introducing a new restricted user mode called User Account Control, replacing the administrator-by-default philosophy. One of the major differences between windows vista and windows XP is that the original start button was replaced with just the windows icon. Furthermore vista consists of new graphic features, the Windows Aero GUI, new applications (such as Windows Calendar, Windows DVD Maker and some new games including Chess, Mahjong, and Purble Place,[8] Internet Explorer 7, Windows Media Player 11 and in addition a large number of underlying architectural changes. Vista has six editions. The starter, home, home premium, business, enterprise, ultimate. All these editions are available both 32 and 64-bit releases. The major benefit is that 64-bit can break the 4 gigabyte barrier in addition with the 32-bit which cannot fully access. Windows Server 2008 came up on the 27th of February. It had new virtualization technological and security features which existed on Windows Vista and it was considered as more successful that the previous version. Windows Server 2008 is considered to be the best solution for the information technology infrastructure. The final and current version of Windows is 7. It has more rapidly booting than Vista and a theres huge improvement on window management. Windows 7 is available now in six editions. The starter which is available on new PCs only, home basic, home premium, professional, enterprise which is offered only to business customers and the ultimate one which has limited availability to original equipment manufacturers . All versions are available on both 32-bit and 64-bit. There are many rumours about the next release of Windows. Theres nothing official yet but the next major release expected to be in a few years. Microsoft Windows is inevitably of great importance in the operating system sector and since its establishment, it has completed substantive steps striving for improvement until nowadays. The fact that the specific operating system is the main selling one in the market should not be regarded as a mere consequence but rather as a proof of the hard work imputed within the quality section of the whole scheme. Moreover, the rapid improvement in the proportionality of the quality, marketing and overall, the modernisation trend of the business is of great praise and admiration.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Abortion: Two Sides of the Argument Essay
In today’s society every time a person turns on the television, goes on a computer, turns on a radio, passes a billboard, or picks up a newspaper that person is bombarded with debates. There are many different debates and each debate with two parties both of which have two very different and sometimes conversational opinions. Everywhere a person looks they are faced with arguments such as president Obama’s affordable healthcare act, gay rights, the matters of the death penalty being legalized or illegalized in all states, and many more. In this paper I will not talk about any of the previously stated arguments. I will however talk about one of the most heated and controversial arguments of today. Before I continue with the debate I have chosen I am stating that I will not be sharing any of my personal opinions or views on the matter. I have chosen to discuss the debate regarding abortion and the two sides of the argument. I will explain both Pro Life and Pro choice and the fallacy both sides use when trying to gain followers. Just about every person has an opinion or a side when it comes to the topic of abortion. I have researched percentages based on people who are Pro Life vs. Pro Choice and if abortion is ever Justified. A poll done by Gallup in May of 2013 helps to show some percentages on what side or sides the American people are taking. Based on a one hundred percent model forty five percent of people are Pro Choice, forty eight percent are Pro Life, three percent were mixed, 2 three percent did not understand the meaning of the terms provided, and two percent had no opinion. In the poll a majority of the people who participated had chosen which side of the argument they had agreed with. In another recent model done in May 2013 by Gallup shows the percentages of people’s views on if abortion hould ever be legal and Justifiable. Legal under any circumstances has a vote of twenty six percent, legal under certain circumstances fifty two percent, illegal in all circumstances twenty percent, and no opinion had two percent. Pro Life is a Christian based non- profit anti- abortion organization that was founded in the year 1980 by Joseph Scheidler with the organizations head quarters in Chicago Illinois. The goal of the organization is to protect and save unborn children and their mothers with non violent protests. The organization believes that women are being exploited by the abortion industry. Also that the abortion industry is the main cause of what the organization believes is the murder of an human being. The members of Pro Life have many different tactics implemented to publically protest abortion. The Pro Life organization does not condone any violence in the protesting of abortion, but the organization does use graphic material in the â€Å"Face the Truth: Public Education Initiative†. This educational initiative uses graphic pictures of real aborted fetuses to show the aftermath of the procedure. This protest is described as â€Å"to show our fellow Americans the ugly truth about abortion†. The Pro Life members line the major road ways and intersection while showcasing the graphic images. Pro Life organization also uses less graphic forms of protesting such as sidewalk counseling, youth outreach projects, public, protest, 3 presence at abortion clinics, and confronting abortionists. The majority of protesting takes place at the abortion clinics. Pro Life members will stand outside of the clinics to perform prayer vigils, last minute consulting to women and couples with abortion alternatives, pregnancy resources, as well as confidential counseling. Pro Choice I organized by the National Abortion Federation. It is the national association for professional abortion providers. The N. A. F provides training and services to qualified abortion providers in North America. The goal of the N. A. F is to ensure women’s safety when to comes to abortion whether it is elective or medically necessary. Pro Choice is centered around that women should be able to make private medical decisions with their healthcare providers and to have the right to chose what happens to their bodies. The N. A. F also supports the education for women and youth n different contraceptive methods to help prevent unplanned pregnancies. Also the organization provides resources for women to make inform decisions when it comes to their choices. The organization helps to provide women with the education about abortion, adoption, and parenthood. The organization sets quality standards for abortion care and to make sure the medical providers such as Nurses, Physician Assists, Doctors, and Mid wives are qualified to provide high quality care. N. A. F also helps with legal legislations to keep abortion legal. The organization fears what ould happen to women if abortion was to made illegal. Pro choice does protest to keep abortion legal in the United States. The Pro Choice advertisements are not as graphic as Pro Life’s. Though Pro Choice does have advertisements of what environments women may find themselves in if abortion were to be made illegal. Pro Life also uses education to teach women about what had happened in the 1950’s to the 1960’s before 4 abortion was legal in America. This is used to create awareness so that history will not repeat itself. According to Our Bodies Ourselves a Pro Choice website uses statics o show mortality rate in women to either tried to perform a self initiated abortion. Between 1950 and 1960 before women were legal able to get an abortion 1. 2 million of those women did self performed abortions. In countries where abortion is still illegal unsafe abortion is the leading cause of maternal deaths. This accounts to 219 women dying daily worldwide. Both organizations use medical facts and statics for a large part of their demonstrations, however they both employ of use of a logical fallacy to make their cases. The logical fallacy that Pro Life and Pro Choice both use is appeal to emotion. Appeal to emotion is a fallacy to manipulate the recipients’ views by using an emotional trigger. This means that the parties involved may not be using actual valid intormation to persuade a person. It is very clear botn ot the organizations are against the other. The names are the first thing I had noticed. The names are completely opposite from one another. For example is a person is Pro choice then they are against life or that person is for death or murder. Also if a person is Pro Life then that implies that person is anti-choice. For another example Pro Life members eb advertisement and That I have personally seen driving on 95 is a image of a baby with the saying â€Å"Endangered species. Obviously children are not a endangered species because human beings are not endangered. This is used to evoke a strong emotional response to gain Pro Life members and not using actual facts to prove a point. Pro Choice also use the appeal to emotion to gain members as well. In a advertisement for the Pro Choice Public Education Project it contains a picture of a dirty bathroom thatâ€⠄¢s covered in filth. Above what is the bathtub is a plaque that says †Operating room†. A bathroom is not an operating room this once again used to invoke emotion. The 5 emotions of despair and fear. This is used in the campaign for keeping abortion legal. Also someone the slogans each side uses appeal to emotions a well. For example Pro Life slogan â€Å"You might forgive yourself, but a dead baby sure can’t†. Whether the baby to speak of is dead or alive the said baby does not have the capability to comprehend forgiveness. Both side also use TV adds to discount the other side and to persuade the viewers. The internet video 180 shows how to change a person’s mind about abortion within seconds. The method that was used involved Hitler and his influence on the German people. Ray Comfort is the interviewer in the movie. Comfort asks a few young people about their feeling regarding the killing of the Jewish people. All the participants agreed that what had happened was wrong and that killing a person was wrong. Comfort then moved into abortion after using emotional response to what happened in the holocaust and comparing that to abortion. Comfort put that abortion is America’s holocaust. In conclusion though both Pro Life and Pro Choice have valid points and information both of the rganizations use appeal to emotion to persuade potential followers.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Interpreting Financial Results Essay
Target’s mission is for their customer to except the most out of them and to pay less for their products. They plan to achieve this by delivering outstanding values, continuous innovation and exceptional guest experiences. As I have research and interpret Target’s Financial Results, I was able to identify some trends they have experiences within the last three years. When it comes to Targets Liquidity Ratio, the pattern shows that from 2011 to 2013 they start up went down and slowly went back up. As for their Efficiency Ratio the trend identifies that from 2011 to 2013 they were still starting high then dropping low and slowly coming back up. Now when it comes to the Leverage Ratio Targets has continuous increase for 2011 to 2013 with just a little decrease in some areas and this also goes for the Profitability Ratio, Market Value Indicator soon. I also had the opportunity to compare the financial results of Target with their benchmarking company Walmart. Once I review Walmart’s financial results, I saw some of the same trends target had. I also notice that Walmart has a lot more revenue being generated then what Target does. I have attached a financial ratio sheet which will also confirm and identify the trends of both Target and Walmart.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Internationalization Theory and Its Impact on the Field of...
Internalization Theory and its Impact on the Field of International Business Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke Abstract Internalization theory explains the existence and functioning of the multinational enterprise. It contributes to understanding the boundaries of the MNE, its interface with the external environment and its internal organizational design. Much work in the international strategic-management sphere has unfortunately not taken on board internalization-theory thinking and lacks the insights provided by this comparative institutional approach. In this chapter we show hoe well-known international strategic management models could be enriched and their normative implications altered by adopting an internalizing-theory lens.†¦show more content†¦In more general terms, Buckley and Casson (1976) demonstrate that any type of market imperfection (across both goods and factor markets) can lead to pressure for internalization by the MNE. Buckley and Casson (1976) is a rare original contribution to thinking in the field of international business. The core idea that the MNE can replace the market, was developed completely independently of the thinking by Oliver Williamson (1975). Indeed, the linkage of internalization theory to the markets and hierarchy approach of Williamson was not resolved until publication of Hennart’s 1977 dissertation, Hennart (1982). In many ways the book by Hennart is a far superior explanation of internalization theory principles within the Williamsonian context that builds upon concepts such as buyer uncertainty, asset specificity, and bounded rationality. In particular, Hennart (1982) is able to develop models that distinguish between vertical and horizontal integration and to explore in greater depth the alternatives of firm contracting versus market exchange. Whereas the intellectual origins of Buckley and Casson’s (1976) internalization theory do not lie with Williamson (1975), they are deeply embedded in Hymer’s work (1960, published in 1976). Hymer developed the concept of firm-specific advantages (FSAs). He a lso demonstrated that foreign direct investment only takes place when theShow MoreRelatedThe Internationalization Of International Marketing1524 Words  | 7 PagesInternational marketing is an area in which exact work by professionals is regularly more advanced and perceptive than academic contributions (Wind, 1979). For the expansion of international marketing, firms require both general learning and market-specific learning. Market-specific knowledge is picked up principally through involvement in the business sector, while learning of the operations can be exchanged starting with one nation then onto the next (Andersen, 1993). 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